It’s January. You’re full of goals and ambition for the new year and have decided that it is time for a new role, a new challenge. You haven’t seen the perfect job advertised online and headhunters haven’t approached you with anything that sounds of interest. So what do you do?

1. Grab a blank sheet of paper and write down everything you want from a job and everything you don’t. It’s a simple exercise but will help clarify what is important to you.

2. Think about what you are really good at – Times like this require positivity to make a leap into the unknown so don’t be shy in crediting yourself with the skills you have.

3. Consider the types of roles/professions that fit stages 1. and 2. – they may or may not be roles you have performed in previously or industries that are different. Consider whether your skills are realistically transferrable. In many cases they will be.

4. What companies do you admire? What brands appeal to you? Who has a reputation as ‘a great place to work’? Make yourself a target list factoring in considerations such as geography, willingness to commute etc.

5. Find a headhunter/recruiter that you like and want to work with. These people will be representing you and your brand so it is imperative that you trust them, believe in them to portray you accurately and ultimately have the chemistry so you feel valued as a human being.

6. Use your network! Raise your profile on Linked In, connect with like-minded individuals. How overt you can be in being proactive is up to you – that’s why a headhunter can be useful – If you are comfortable, approach relevant people directly with an elevator pitch about your current status.

Over half of external jobs that are filled never reach public knowledge. They are filled via networks, headhunters or, indeed, speculative applications. Be prepared to put some time and effort into this, it will pay off in the long run. Be patient – its unlikely that this process will happen immediately (though that’s not to say that it can’t), organisations have processes of decision-making, due diligence and administration that you will need to be mindful of.  We like to help people and organisations maximise their potential so please drop us a line to see how we can help this year.  neil@riseaboveconsulting or james@riseaboveconsulting

Good luck!







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